
Coiste Cúram Leanaí Phort Láirge is available to provide information and support to parents. The following publications are for parents on childcare.  A-Parents-Guide-To-Childcare-In-Ireland-English-Language-Version  and Barnardos-Quality-Early-Years-Care-And-Education

Please contact CCLPL by phone 051 295045 or by email [email protected].    If you wish to advertise for a childminder please complete the form for a childminder on the jobs notice board page.     

National Childcare Scheme (NCS)

THE NCS provides financial support to help you with your childcare costs.

There are two types of subsidies available to apply for under the National Childcare Scheme.

Universal subsidies are available to all families with children between 24 weeks and 15 years of age.  This subsidy which is not means tested and provides €2.14 per hour for a maximum of 45 hours towards the cost of a registered childcare place.

Income Assessed Subsidies are available to families with children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years. This subsidy is means tested and will be calculated based on your individual circumstances. Your rate will vary depending on your level of family income, your child’s age and educational stage, and the number of children in your family.  The Subsidy Calculator is a tool which can help you to estimate how much you may be eligible for before you apply.

Guide to the list of ELC services


The Early Childhood Care and Education Programme (ECCE) programme is a universal two-year pre-school programme available to all children within the eligible age range. The programme is provided for three hours per day, five days per week over 38 weeks per year and the programme year runs from September to June each year. For more information, please follow this link


The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) aspires to help all children, regardless of ability to access quality early learning and care through the ECCE programme and to create a more inclusive culture in pre-schools.
Children and pre-school staff benefit from AIM through universal supports for the early learning and care setting (ELC), and targeted supports for individual children.
For more information, please follow this


National Action Plan for Childminding (NAPC) 2021-2028 is a pathway will be developed over the lifetime of the plan that sets out steps towards regulation, support and subsidies, for all paid, non-relative childminders. The Action Plan will involve change and significant benefits for childminders, children and the families using their services.

Childminding Ireland

Childminding Ireland is the National Childminding Association and a National Voluntary Childcare Organisation. Childminding Ireland provides a range of information and supports to Parents. Parents can search for a childminder by location at this

Parent & Toddler Group (P&TG)

Parent & Toddler groups are a great way to meet new people, break isolation, share experiences and provide an environment for babies and young children to socialise, learn and play together.
The groups normally meet in the morning for an hour or so and there are a number of Parent and Toddler groups around Waterford city and county. For details on P&T groups in your area please refer to the following links
and the Waterford Parent Hub
P&T groups can advertise their group with Waterford Parent Hub by contacting [email protected] 

Coiste Cúram Leanaí Phort Láirge is available to support anyone wishing to set up a Parent and Toddler group as well as those currently running one.  An information Pack is available to assist if setting up a P&T group as follows:                                               


Tusla is the statutory agency responsible for the registration and inspection of some childminders who fall under the regulations, early learning and care and school age childcare services. Tusla guide to choosing an early years service

Department of Education & Science (DES)

The DES carry out Early Years Education Inspections (EYEI) in early learning and care services participating in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme. To find out more about and view the EYEI service reports please follow this

First 5

First 5 is a whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families. It is a ten-year plan to help make sure all children have positive early experiences and get a great start in life.
The website has a Preschool at Home Hub which provides a range of activities to support and encourage children’s interests and aims to keep them playing and learning at home.